My artwork

Show at the GVPL Saanich Centennial

I hung a show on July the 9th (2018) at the Greater Victoria Public Library in the Tillicum Mall area which is still ongoing. I was lucky to catch an open cast and call about two days before the day was due, thanks to the Victoria Arts Council. It had been a long time since I hung a show, and I had been stressing for all of those two days. I was taking measurements, laying things out of the floor, designing labels, buying extra supplies, frantically adding hangers to the back of pieces, writing statements, and rewriting statements. By the time I got to the location (for the third time in two days) I was wringing my hands in anxiety because my labels weren’t to the exact specifications. I was off by a quarter inch!

Enter: Maureen Ness; an artist and woman I’ve never met before, but in the course of the hour I swore I had found my new guru. Not only was she useful on a ladder, quick-witted, and fiercely intelligent, but she was an experienced and talented artist. I’ll be following her work carefully in the future.

I’d also like to take a moment to thank the previous artist who showed at the GVPL, and her hard work. I cannot find her name presently, but I e-mailed the VAC, and hopefully I’ll have a name for you soon. Her work reminded me of the colors and forms of the deserts of Arizona. Stylistically, her work wouldn’t seem out of place in a million dollar home in the lone desert. A home made of caked adobe, exposed steel beams, and floor to ceiling windows.

All in all, things turned out well. Overall my pieces fit the space nicely, they had a collected theme, and (best of all) they looked like they belonged there. I’ve attached a few pictures for you to take a look at. Tell me what you think!



P.S. Figured out how to load problematic photos onto my website, so I’ll be done development before the month is out.


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