IMMA Portfolio

Goodness me, What is that Peculiarly Shaped Cloud_ 9x9x2 2018

Goodness Me, What is that Peculiarly Shaped Cloud?

Jessica Stepushyn

Multimedia on masonite
Size: 9 H x 9 W x 1.5 in

Representatives of the Irish Museum of Modern Art should take note of the neutral background, and the colorful highlights, as it is representational to the content described in my Objectives. In place of the collage elements, pieces produced with IMMA's help will contain functioning electronic components instead.

This was a proof of concept for a future series I want to do. It's painted on masonite that's been cut and glued together so it makes a gentle three dimensional shape. The background is neutral as to better exhibit the bright colors of the collage. The collage itself is three different sizes, misaligned to confuse the eye, and create a sense of confusion. Over the top are think clumps of bright paint. Sadly the purple did not translate well in the photo, but it is quite vivid. I'm looking forward to making more of these.


Jessica Stepushyn

Painting Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16 H x 16 W x 1.5 in

This piece is representational of the work I am producing in 2018. I went to do an under-painting and I realized that what I had on my canvas was significantly more interesting than anything I could put on top. This was the original of my expressive pieces, and it remains my favorite. The texture of the stiff paint bristles was partially created by mixing mineral spirits and acrylic paint, two materials that are not commonly used together.

Please note, this piece was meant to be shown in either direction, hence the multiple images.

Behemoth is the result of a months long project and is my largest piece to date. I've been continuing my work with transparencies, and comparing the effects of paint on gesso versus the appearance of paint on clear medium. The colors are a gentle mix of three different paints that all subtly take over their own space, building what I call "communities of color" on the painting. My goal for this painting was to create a different image for each different viewer, depending on their personality and mood. It was designed to capture the viewer with it's intensity, and invite them to draw on their own imagination within the paint.


Jessica Stepushyn

Painting Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 68 H x 56 W x 2.5 in

I included this piece in my portfolio to demonstrate my competency in the creation of large scale pieces.

Behemoth is the result of a months long project and is my largest piece to date. I've been continuing my work with transparencies, and comparing the effects of paint on gesso versus the appearance of paint on clear medium. The colors are a gentle mix of three different paints that all subtly take over their own space, building what I call "communities of color" on the painting. I intentionally saved the color and texture of raw canvas in this piece by partially priming  with transparent medium, allowing the viewer to glance inwards, into the painting. My goal for this painting was to create a different image for each different viewer, depending on their personality and mood. It was designed to capture the viewer with it's intensity, and invite them to draw on their own imagination within the paint.

Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail
Behemoth Detail

Barge Right In

Jessica Stepushyn

Multi-panel Painting Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 3 H x 3 W x 1.5 in

I included this in my portfolio, because it functions well to illustrate my progression from year to year. Perhaps the most compelling thing about this piece is that it functions in almost any configuration. Pieces can be rotated, rearranged, and placed in different shapes and still perform well. I included this in my portfolio, because it functions well to illustrate my progression from year to year.

I was browsing the works of this digital artist who worked primarily in color studies and geometric work, and I was inspired to work on something similar. Since a regular pattern would seem to "matchy matchy", I went with something less regular. In honesty, I feel I was more successful than him in the use of shapes, and that sometimes it's better to ditch the perfectionism and go for the irregular.

Barge Right In 3x3x1.5x9 2016